Circles SDK Overview
The Circles SDK is a TypeScript library that allows you to integrate Circles protocol into your dApp to implement trust connections and offering the users of network to get socio-economic value.
As a developer, you can start from installing the SDK and supported packages.
Circles v2.0 SDK features :
Manage Signers: Use a contract runner (like MetaMask) to sign transactions.
Circles Configuration: Set up Circles-specific configuration (contract addresses, RPC endpoints).
Access Circles Data: Query data through the Circles RPC Query API, including balances, trust relations, and transaction histories.
Support for Circles V1 and V2 Hubs: Interact with both V1 and V2 of Circles protocol hubs for contract-related operations,
Pathfinder Client: Use the V1 and V2 Pathfinder for finding liquid paths in trust networks to facilitate transfers.
Profile Management: Store and retrieve profiles (human, group, organization) via the Circles profile service.
Avatar Management:
Retrieve avatars by their address.
Register human, group, and organization avatars in Circles V1 and V2.
Invitation Handling: Accept invitations to join the Circles network by specifying an inviter and providing profile data.
Circles SDK dependency packages
Notes for Developers
The SDK uses ethers.js v6 for Ethereum interactions. Make sure, you are using Ethers V6 in your actual project as well to avoid compatibility issues.
Some features are specific to either v1 or v2 of the Circles protocol such as kind of avatars that exist on hub contract.
The SDK includes TypeScript definitions for improved developer experience and type safety.
When working with CIDs, the SDK provides utilities for handling both the raw bytes and base58-encoded formats.
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