Mint group tokens

This method allows a group to mint new Group Circles using trusted collateral tokens. The group specifies which collateral to use and the corresponding amounts.

groupMint: (
    group: string, 
    collateral: string[], 
    amounts: bigint[], 
    // data: Uint8Array                                         optional
) => Promise<ContractTransactionReceipt>;

const groupAddress = '0xYourGroupAddress'; // The address of the group
const collateralTokens = ['0xToken1', '0xToken2']; 
// Addresses of the collateral tokens
const collateralAmounts = [BigInt(1000), BigInt(2000)]; 
// Corresponding amounts for each token

try {
    const receipt = await circles.groupMint(groupAddress, collateralTokens, collateralAmounts);

    console.log('Minting successful:', receipt);
} catch (error) {
    console.error('Minting failed:', error);

Last updated