πŸš€Getting started with the SDK

This guide will help you get started with the Circles SDK. It shows how to use the Circles SDK with MetaMask.


You should use Chiado if you want to test a preview version of Circles v2. If you want to build with Circles v1, use Gnosis Chain instead.

Install packages for CirclesSDK

If you have all prerequisites in place, start by installing the Circles SDK package and ethers v6 in your project using npm

  • npm i ethers

  • npm i @circles-sdk/sdk@0.7.1 @circles-sdk/adapter-ethers@0.7.1

  • npm i @circles-sdk/data@0.7.1 @circles-sdk/profiles@0.7.1

1. Add imports

Then, import the necessary classes from the Circles SDK and Ethers.

import { Sdk,ChainConfig } from "@circles-sdk/sdk";
import {BrowserProviderContractRunner} from "@circles-sdk/adapter-ethers"

2. Add CirclesConfig for SDK

Circles is available on Gnosis Chain and Chiado Testnet. You need to specify the correct contract addresses and service endpoints for each environment.

import type {CirclesConfig} from "@circles-sdk/sdk";

export const config: CirclesConfig = {
    circlesRpcUrl: "https://chiado-rpc.aboutcircles.com",
    pathfinderUrl: "https://chiado-pathfinder.aboutcircles.com",
    v2PathfinderUrl: "https://chiado-pathfinder.aboutcircles.com/pathfinder/",
    profileServiceUrl: "https://chiado-pathfinder.aboutcircles.com/profiles/",
    v1HubAddress: "0xdbf22d4e8962db3b2f1d9ff55be728a887e47710",
    v2HubAddress: "0xEddc960D3c78692BF38577054cb0a35114AE35e0",
    migrationAddress: "0x8C9BeAccb6b7DBd3AeffB5D77cab36b62Fe98882",
    nameRegistryAddress: "0x5525cbF9ad01a4E805ed1b40723D6377b336eCcf"

3. Setup Provider and Signer

To setup provider and signer, we would utilize the Circles Adapter that is built to support transactions via ethers. Once you have already imported the BrowserProviderContractRunner , you would need to initialize it.

const adapter = new BrowserProviderContractRunner();
await adapter.init();

const circlesAddress = adapter.address

3. Initialize the Circles SDK

To initialize the CirclesSDK, we will pass on the ChainConfig and Adapter to SDK instance.

const sdk = new Sdk(chainConfig,adapter);

Once you have successfully created a SDK instance, you are all set to use Circles in your dApp. Let's learn more about the Circles SDK features and how you can use them on the next pages.

CirclesSDK Code implementation for Svelte and React Framework

Here's the full code for Svelte and React for you to copy & paste:

<script lang="ts">
    import { Sdk, type CirclesConfig } from "@circles-sdk/sdk";
    import {BrowserProviderContractRunner} from "@circles-sdk/adapter-ethers"
    import { onMount } from "svelte";

    let avatarType = "";
    let circlesAddress = "";
    let sdk: Sdk;

    export const config: CirclesConfig = {
        circlesRpcUrl: "https://chiado-rpc.aboutcircles.com",
        pathfinderUrl: "https://chiado-pathfinder.aboutcircles.com",
        v2PathfinderUrl: "https://chiado-pathfinder.aboutcircles.com/pathfinder/",
        profileServiceUrl: "https://chiado-pathfinder.aboutcircles.com/profiles/",
        v1HubAddress: "0xdbf22d4e8962db3b2f1d9ff55be728a887e47710",
        v2HubAddress: "0xEddc960D3c78692BF38577054cb0a35114AE35e0",
        migrationAddress: "0x8C9BeAccb6b7DBd3AeffB5D77cab36b62Fe98882",
        nameRegistryAddress: "0x5525cbF9ad01a4E805ed1b40723D6377b336eCcf"
   async function initializeSdk() {
        // Get Adapter
        const adapter = new BrowserProviderContractRunner();
        await adapter.init();

        // Get Circles Address
        circlesAddress = adapter.address;

        // Initialize the SDK with the adapter
        sdk = new Sdk(config, adapter);

    // Fetch the avatar associated with the wallet address
    async function fetchAvatar() {
        if (sdk && circlesAddress) {
            const avatar = await sdk.getAvatar(circlesAddress);
            avatarType = avatar.avatarInfo?.type || "Unknown";

    // Mounting the component and initializing the SDK
    onMount(async () => {
        await initializeSdk();
        await fetchAvatar();

    Avatar for {circlesAddress} is {avatarType}

Last updated