Subscribing to Avatar events

The Circles SDK let's you subscribe to protocol events. Either filtered for an avatar or as a complete stream. There is also a way to query all past events in a block range.


To subscribe, you need an initialized CirclesData class.

const circlesRpc = new CirclesRpc("");
const data = new CirclesData(circlesRpc);

Then call the subscribeToEvents() method and supply the address of the avatar to subscribe to:

const avatarEvents = await data.subscribeToEvents("0x...");
avatarEvents.subscribe(event => {

If you want to subscribe to all events, call it without parameter:

const avatarEvents = await data.subscribeToEvents("0x...");
avatarEvents.subscribe(event => {

Query past events

If your client missed some events, you can query all events for a specific avatar in a block range.

const avatarEvents = await data.getEvents("0x..", 9000000, 10000000);

You can omit the last parameter (toBlock) to query from fromBlock to the latest block:

const avatarEvents = await data.getEvents("0x..", 10000000);

Event types

The above methods yield CirclesEvents. All events have at least the following base properties:

  • $event: CirclesEventType One of the event types listed below

  • blockNumber: number In which block the event occurred

  • timestamp?: number When the event occurred

  • transactionIndex: number The index of the transaction in the block

  • logIndex: number The index of the log entry in the transaction

  • transactionHash?: string The transaction hash

Here's a list of all event types. Please refer to the source code for the event properties.

export type CirclesEvent =

// CrcV1 Events

| CrcV1_HubTransfer
| CrcV1_Signup
| CrcV1_OrganizationSignup
| CrcV1_Trust
| CrcV1_Transfer

// CrcV2 Events

 | CrcV2_InviteHuman
 | CrcV2_PersonalMint
 | CrcV2_RegisterGroup
 | CrcV2_RegisterHuman
 | CrcV2_RegisterOrganization
 | CrcV2_Stopped
 | CrcV2_Trust
 | CrcV2_TransferSingle
 | CrcV2_Erc20WrapperTransfer
 | CrcV2_Erc20WrapperDeployed
 | CrcV2_URI
 | CrcV2_ApprovalForAll
 | CrcV2_TransferBatch
 | CrcV2_RegisterShortName
 | CrcV2_UpdateMetadataDigest
 | CrcV2_CidV0
 | CrcV2_StreamCompleted
 | CrcV2_CreateVault
 | CrcV2_GroupMintSingle
 | CrcV2_GroupMintBatch
 | CrcV2_GroupRedeem
 | CrcV2_GroupRedeemCollateralReturn
 | CrcV2_GroupRedeemCollateralBurn
 | CrcV2_DepositDemurraged
 | CrcV2_DepositInflationary
 | CrcV2_WithdrawDemurraged
 | CrcV2_WithdrawInflationary

Last updated