Query Circles Data

The CirclesData class provides an easy-to-use selection of common queries that are suitable for most use cases.


Most of the previously shown avatar methods internally use the CirclesData class with filters for the current avatar address. If you already have a configured Sdk instance, you can use the sdk.data property to access the class:

const data = sdk.data;

Otherwise you can create an instance like this:

const circlesRpc = new CirclesRpc("https://chiado-rpc.aboutcircles.com");
const data = new CirclesData(circlesRpc);

Get avatar info

The getAvatarInfo(avatar: string): Promise<AvatarRow | undefined> method finds basic information about an avatar. This includes the signup timestamp, circles version, avatar type (human, organization or group), and token address/id as well as it's profile CID (if any).

This method is useful to check if an avatar exists before using .

const avatarInfo = await data.getAvatarInfo("0x...");
if (avatarInfo) {
   console.log("Avatar is signed up at Circles");
} else {
   console.log("Avatar is not signed up at Circles");

Get token info

The getTokenInfo(tokenId: string): Promise<TokenInfoRow | undefined> methods finds basic information about a Circles token. This includes the creation timestamp, circles version, token type (human or group) and the address of the avatar that created the token.

const tokenInfo = await data.getTokenInfo("0x...");
if (tokenInfo) {
   console.log("Token is a Circles token");
} else {
   console.log("Token is not a Circles token");

Get total balance (v1, v2)

The total Circles balance of an avatar is the sum of all it's personalized and group token holdings. It can be queried with the getTotalBalance(avatar:string): Promise<string> method. There is a separate method for each Circles version.

const totalBalanceV1 = await data.getTotalBalance("0x...");
const totalBalanceV2 = await data.getTotalBalanceV2("0x...");

The methods have a second, optional parameter asTimeCircles?: boolean = true that controls the return value format. The default value (true) returns a floating point number as a string, while false returns a bigint number as a string. If you want to use the value for calculations you need to parse them.

Get detailed token balances (v1, v2)

In contrast to the above method, the getTokenBalances(avatar: string): Promise<TokenBalanceRow[]> method gives a detailed overview of an avatar's Circles holdings. As with the method above, this one also exists for both versions of the Circles protocol.

The result row contains the token, balance and the tokenOwner.

const detailedCirclesBalancesV1 = await data.getTokenBalances("0x...");
const detailedCirclesBalancesV2 = await data.getTokenBalancesV2("0x...");

The methods have a second, optional parameter asTimeCircles?: boolean = true that controls the return value format. The default value (true) returns a floating point number as a string, while false returns a bigint number as a string. If you want to use the value for calculations you need to parse them.

Get transaction history

The getTransactionHistory(avatar: string, pageSize: number): CirclesQuery<TransactionHistoryRow> method can be used to query all incoming and outgoing Circles transfers from and to an avatar. This includes minting and transfers of personal and group Circles for v1 and v2.

The result rows have the following properties:

  • timestamp When the transaction happened

  • transactionHash

  • version If the transaction happened in Circles v1 or v2

  • operator (the operator that facilitated the transaction - v2 only)

  • from the sender address

  • to the receiver address

  • id in v1: the token address, in v2: the token id

  • value the transferred raw value for the given version (bigint)

  • timeCircles a floating point number representation of the value for display purposes

  • tokenAddress an address representation of the numeric tokenid (v2) or the actual erc20 token address of a v1 personal token

const query = data.getTransactionHistory("0x...", 25);
const hasResults = await query.queryNextPage();
if (!hasResults) {
   console.log("No transactions yet");

const rows = query.currentPage.results;
rows.forEach(row => console.log(row));

The results are ordered in descending order.

Get trust relations

The getTrustRelations(avatar: string, pageSize: number): CirclesQuery<TrustListRow> method can be used to query the effective trust events for an avatar. Already expired or removed trust relations are omitted from the results.

const trustsQuery = data.getTrustRelations("0x...", 25);
const hasResults = await query.queryNextPage();
if (!hasResults) {
   console.log("No trust events yet");

const rows = query.currentPage.results;
rows.forEach(row => console.log(row));

The results of this method contain one row per incoming or outgoing event. This is useful when you need to know when a relation was established. However, if you just want to display a contact list you should consider using getAggregatedTrustRelations(avatarAddress: string): Promise<TrustRelationRow[]> instead.

Get aggregated trust relations

In contrast to the above method, this method queries all relevant trust events and groups mutual trust events into a single row instead of one for each direction.

The result rows have the following properties:

  • subjectAvatar The acting avatar

  • relation The relation between the acting avatar and the one it's related to

  • objectAvatar The other avatar

The possible relations are: trusts, trustedBy, mutuallyTrusts, and selfTrusts. The last one (selfTrusts) exists because, in Circles, every avatar trusts itself.

const trustRelations = await data.getAggregatedTrustRelations("0x..");
trustRelations.forEach(row => console.log(row));

Find groups

Circles groups have a name and symbol that's stored on-chain. You can use the findGroups(pageSize: number, params: GroupQueryParams): CirclesQuery<GroupRow> method to find groups by name or symbol.

The params parameter can be used to filter and order the result set by the name and symbol of a group.

export interface GroupQueryParams {
  nameStartsWith?: string;
  symbolStartsWith?: string;
  groupAddressIn?: string[];
  sortBy?: 'age_asc' | 'age_desc' | 'name_asc' | 'name_desc' | 'symbol_asc' | 'symbol_desc';

Use the method as following:

const query = data.findGroups(25, {
  nameStartsWith: "Test",

const hasResults = await query.queryNextPage();
if (!hasResults) {
   console.log("No trust events yet");

const rows = query.currentPage.results;
rows.forEach(row => console.log(row));

If an avatar is member at a group (as defined by a trust relation from the group to the avatar), it's usually eligible to mint tokens of that group.

Get group memberships

You can query the group memberships of an avatar using the getGroupMemberships(avatar: string, pageSize: number): CirclesQuery<GroupMembershipRow> method to get a list of all groups an avatar is a member of.

The result rows contain the following properties: group, member, expiryTime.

const query = data.getGroupMemberships("0x...", 25);
const hasResults = await query.queryNextPage();
if (!hasResults) {
   console.log("No trust events yet");

const rows = query.currentPage.results;
rows.forEach(row => console.log(row));

If you want to query the details of the returned groups, you can pass the group addresses into the groupAddressIn filter field of the findGroups() method.

Get invited users

Avatars can invite others to join Circles. The getInvitations(avatar: string, pageSize: number): CirclesQuery<InvitationRow> method returns a list of invitations sent by the specified avatar.

Th e result rows contain the follwing properties: timestamp, transactionHash, inviter, invited.

const query = data.getInvitations("0x...", 25);
const hasResults = await query.queryNextPage();
if (!hasResults) {
   console.log("No trust events yet");

const rows = query.currentPage.results;
rows.forEach(row => console.log(row));

Get invited by

You can query who invited an other avatar by calling getInvitedBy(avatar:string): Promise<string|undefined>. If the avatar wasn't invited, the method returns undefined.

const invitedBy = await data.getInvitedBy("0x...");

Last updated